Social Media Terms in Portugues

Applied science in Spanish: Tech Savvy Vocabulary

Learning terms related to engineering in Spanish is a savvy mode to approach the language. Read this guide to explore the basic vocabulary of social media, apps, internet, hardware, software, and more than.

Today, these terms are essential to almost every personal and piece of work-related interaction.

If this field of study appeals to you, you lot're in luck!


Because much of the vocabulary about applied science in Spanish is similar to English, making it easier to remember.

Keep reading to acquire loads of Spanish engineering science terms. Each department has a list, example sentences, and a quiz to enable you to put your new knowledge into practice right away.

Let'south connect to this lesson about information technology in Spanish!

Tabular array of Contents:

  • Technology in Spanish: Mobile Tech, Apps, and Social Media
  • Technology in Castilian: Internet
  • Engineering in Spanish: Figurer Vocabulary
  • Engineering in Spanish: Devices
  • Plow On Your Spanish Knowledge and Connect With More than People

Technology in Spanish: Mobile Tech, Apps, and Social Media

Whether yous're moving or traveling to a Spanish-speaking country or learning Spanish to connect with more than people at home, mobile tech, apps, and social media are the place to first.

Get to know the basics of mobile technology in Spanish and learn words and phrases that relate to social media and apps.

English Spanish
business relationship la cuenta
advertisement el anuncio
app la aplicación
cloud la nube
comment el comentario
follower el seguidor
hashtag el hashtag
message el mensaje
notification la notificación
online en línea
password la contraseña
post la publicación
privacy la privacidad
profile el perfil
social media las redes sociales
tag la etiqueta
text message el mensaje de texto
username el nombre de usuario
video el video
video call la videollamada
password - la contraseña

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English language Spanish
to chat chatear
to directly bulletin/DM mandar mensaje directo o privado
to edit editar
to bulletin mandar mensaje, "mensajear"
to share compartir
to send enviar
to accept pictures tomar fotos
to text mandar un texto, "textear"
to tweet mandar un tweet, "tweetear"
chatear - to chat

Instance Sentences in Castilian

Acabo de subir un video a la nube.
I just uploaded a video to the cloud.

¿Te gustó mi post?
Did you like my mail?

Te mandaré united nations mensaje tan pronto como llegue.
I volition text yous every bit before long as I go in that location.

Bajé la aplicación que me dijiste.
I downloaded the app yous told me about.

Voy a editar mis perfiles de redes sociales.
I will edit my social media profiles.

¿Podemos hacer una videollamada?
Can we do a video call?


Choose the correct verb

one. Quiero _________ fotos del evento con mi cámara.

2. Voy a _______ mi video antes de subirlo con un filtro.

3. _________ tu ubicación conmigo porque no sé llegar a tu casa.

4. ¿Viste lo que el gobernador acaba de ________?

5. Si vas a la fiesta, ___________ united nations mensaje.

Technology in Spanish 1

Congrats! Yous're a pro

Congrats! You're a pro

¡Felicidades! Your comprehension on technology vocabulary in Spanish is perfect.

You're about there!

You're almost there

Your consequent practise is leading to better results! Go along practicing your Spanish vocabulary!

Practice makes perfect! Keep on studying!

Keep on studying

Your motivation to larn Castilian is an essential ingredient to success! Proceed practicing your Spanish vocabulary!

Engineering science in Spanish: Internet

This department of vocabulary related to technology in Spanish has to do with the internet. Learn terms related to sites, search engines, and wi-fi connections.

English Castilian
address (electronic mail or website) la dirección
bandwidth la amplitud de banda
blog el blog
browser history el historial de navegador
cookie (used in browsers) la cookie
cache el caché, la memoria caché
digital digital
domain el dominio
dot com punto com
email el correo electrónico
frequently asked questions (FAQ) las preguntas más frecuentes/comunes, las FAQ
home page la página inicial, la página principal, la portada
internet el net
keyword la palabra clave
link el enlace, la conexión, el vínculo
page la página
podcast el podcast
privacy policy la política de privacidad, la póliza de privacidad
search engine el buscador, el servidor de búsqueda
wi-fi el wifi
el blog - blog

Cheque out: Art and Painting Vocabulary in Spanish


English Spanish
to attach adjuntar
to browse navegar
to connect conectar
to download bajar, descargar
to e-mail enviar correo electrónico, enviar por correo electrónico, emailear
to google (as a verb) googlear
to install instalar
to log in iniciar sesión
to search buscar
to upload subir
bajar, descargar - To download

Example Sentences in Spanish

Deberías google lo que significa tu nombre
You should google what your proper noun means.

¿Puedes compartirme la contraseña del wi-fi?
Can you share the wi-fi countersign with me?

Él ha lanzado un podcast en la página de la compañía.
He has launched a podcast on the company's site.

Borra las cookies y el historial de búsqueda antes de prestar tu computadora.
Delete the cookies and browser history before lending your computer.


Choose the right verb:

1. No se te olvide _________ el documento al correo.

2. __________ tu proyecto a la página de la empresa.

3. Necesito _________ la dirección del restaurante.

four. ___________ el internet antes de tomar una decisión.

v. No puedo __________ al wi-fi.

Technology in Spanish 2

Congrats! You're a pro

You're a pro

¡Felicidades! Your comprehension of applied science vocabulary is perfect.

You lot're almost at that place!

You're almost there

Your consistent practice is leading to better results! Go on practicing your Spanish vocabulary!

Exercise makes perfect! Proceed on studying!

Keep on studying

Your motivation to larn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! Continue practicing your Castilian vocabulary.

Technology in Spanish: Computer Vocabulary

At present let'south get to the office of technology in Spanish that has changed the least over the last years. This includes hardware, parts, softwares, and the things you run across on screen.

Hardware and Parts

English Spanish
battery la batería
push button el botón
cable el cable
bulldoze el driver
flash retention la memoria wink
cardinal (of a keyboard) la tecla
RAM la memoria RAM
router el router
screen la pantalla
touch screen la pantalla táctil
USB port puerto USB
la pantalla - screen

Example Sentences in Spanish

Mi pantalla está bien pero la pantalla táctil no tanto.
My screen is fine but the touch screen not so much.

Haz click en el botón derecho del ratón.
Click on the correct button of  the mouse.

Mi computadora no tiene united nations puerto USB.
My calculator doesn't have a USB port, sad.

¿Dónde está el router?
Where is your router?

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English language Spanish
bug el fallo, el error, el bug
network la cherry-red
operating system el sistema operativo, el código operacional
processor el procesador
server el servidor
software el software
virus el virus
la red - network

Example Sentences in Spanish

Instalar united nations software actualizado conduce a un mejor funcionamiento.
Installing upwardly-to-engagement software leads to better functioning.

Parece que el virus no se va.
The virus doesn't seem to go away.

Este es united nations sistema operativo diferente.
This is a different operating system.

Compraste una computadora con el mejor procesador.
You bought a computer with the all-time processor.

Screen Vocabulary

English language Spanish
"at" symbol (@) la arroba
backslash (\) la barra invertida, la barra inversa, la contrabarra
bookmark el favorito, el marcador, el marcapáginas
cursor el cursor
data los datos, la data
database la base de datos
desktop el escritorio, la pantalla
digital digital
file el archivo
folder la carpeta
slash (/) la barra, la barra oblicua
tab (in a browser) la pestaña
toolbar la barra de herramientas

Instance Sentences in Spanish

Abre una nueva pestaña y busca los términos y condiciones.
Open up a new tab and search for the terms and weather condition.

Deberíamos diseñar united nations salvapantallas nuevos.
We should design a new screensaver.

Coloca el cursor sobre el archivo.
Identify the cursor over the file.

La base de datos está protegida.
The database is protected.


Choose the correct verb:

one. Haz click en el __________ izquierdo del mouse.

ii. Tienes que instalar el ___________ antes de empezar a usar la computadora.

3. Coloca el ___________ sobre la respuesta correcta.

four. El _______ que necesitas está dentro del folder que dice "empresa."

5. Mi dirección es alexander __________ restaurante punto com.

Technology in Spanish 3

Congrats! Yous're a pro

Congrats you're a pro

¡Felicidades! Your comprehension on Spanish vocabulary is perfect.

You're well-nigh there!

you're getting better

Your consistent exercise is leading to better results! Go on practicing your Castilian vocabulary!

Practice makes perfect! Proceed on studying!

Keep on Studying

Your motivation to learn Castilian is an essential ingredient to success! Keep practicing your Spanish vocabulary!

Recommended reading: Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures

Technology in Castilian: Devices

To sympathise and use engineering science terms in Spanish, you demand to know what to phone call the devices yous use.

English Spanish
camera la cámara
jail cell phone el celular
figurer la computadora
hard bulldoze el disco duro
headphones los audífonos
keyboard el teclado
laptop el plegable, la computadora portátil, el ordenador portátil
microphone el micrófono
mobile el móvil
mouse el ratón, el mouse
printer la impresora
smartphone el teléfono inteligente, el smartphone
speakers las bocinas
tablet la tableta
los audífonos - headphones


English Spanish
access acceder
dorsum up hacer una copia de seguridad
click hacer clic, cliquear, presionar, pulsar
crash caer el sistema
cut and paste cortar y pegar
erase, delete borrar
print imprimir
reboot reiniciar
save guardar
turn off apagar
turn on encender
type teclear
upgrade, update actualizar
touch tocar
imprimir - to print

Example Sentences in Spanish

No puedo acceder a la tablet.
I tin can't access the tablet.

Mis audífonos sirven pero las bocinas no prenden.
My headphones work correct but the speakers won't turn on.

La impresora está vinculada a mi móvil.
The printer is linked to my mobile.

No encuentro mi disco duro.
I can't find my difficult drive.

Run into also: Stock Market, Trade, and Economic science Vocabulary in Spanish

Turn On Your Castilian Knowledge and Connect With More People

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"My Son, Heath, is taking the classes. He'southward been with Luisa the entire time and we absolutely honey her. She is always patient and is a great instructor. Heath'due south dad speaks Spanish so they become to take picayune conversations."

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– Maple, Parent of iii

Ready to acquire more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

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Nicole Canún

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