World Bible Map of the 12 Apostles Travels

From Athens to Corinth, passing through Antioch and Ephesus, St. Paul spent fourth dimension in near of the cities that fabricated up the known earth during his time.

The volume of Acts (22, 21) describes Paul'due south churchly mission in simple even so comprehensive terms: he was to exist sent "far away to the gentiles." The word "gentile," derived from the Latin gentilis, meaning belonging to a people or nation (from gens, which tin can exist translated as clan, tribe, people, or family unit) is a term that, when plant in Scripture, usually ways "someone who is not a Jew." That is, Paul was to exist sent to non-Israelites. That's a somewhat vast demographic.


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A comprehensive map of all the journeys taken past St. Paul in his lifetime is yet to exist completed. But what we know for certain is that Paul, who used to be chosen by his Jewish proper name Saul of Tarsus before converting to Christianity, spent almost 30 years sailing effectually the Mediterranean bowl and visiting what were considered to be the major cities of his time.

Paul undertook at to the lowest degree three journeys during his lifetime, all chronicled in the Acts.

Sources disagree on an exact listing of locations that Paul visited during his lifetime, but what'south sure is that during the three journeys described in Acts thirteen-14 , Acts 15-17 and Acts 18-twenty he visited many historical cities that are considered the courage of Western civilisation. From Athens to Corinth, passing through Antioch and Ephesus, here is a summary of Paul's travels, including an indication of where those locations are on today's map.

First trip

What's considered Paul's "first journey" started in the year 45 and ended in 49. Together with Barnabas, a Cypriot Jew converted to Christianity, Paul traveled across the island of Cyprus, Barnabas's homeland, preaching the Gospel in several synagogues. They so set canvass from Paphos, on the southwest coast of Cyprus, and reached the port of Perga, in Anatolia, mod-day Turkey.

The aboriginal city of Perga, dating to around 1000 B.C., in what is today Turkey was ane of the first cities visited by St. Paul in Asia Pocket-sized.

From Perga they finally reached Antioch of Pisidia, where Paul began to spread the word to the local Jewish community. Initially, his bulletin was very well received, leading to an invitation to speak during Sabbath (the holy twenty-four hour period), but office of the community shortly turned envious about the strong popularity enjoyed by a foreign preacher and eventually managed to push Paul out of the city.

Paul and Barnabas and so left for Konya, a city just southward of Ankara, in present-twenty-four hour period Turkey, but were forced to exit over again, this time for the nearby town of Lystra. Here Paul healed a ill human being and the local infidel community began to believe he was sent past God. But presently enough, the same people who contested him in Konya reached Lystra and instigated a group of locals to stone Paul, forcing him to flee. He and so reached the metropolis of Derbe, too in modern-solar day Turkey, and from there dorsum to Lystra, Konya and finally Antioch of Syrian arab republic on the Orontes, a city of ancient Syria now in modernistic-twenty-four hours Turkey, where his journeying originated. Here Paul reports that, through his message, many pagans got to know the word of God.


Second trip

Paul's 2nd journey started in the year 49 and ended in 52. This time, Paul striking the road to check back on those early Christian communities he helped found during his start trip.

He was accompanied by Silas, a leading member of the early Christian community, and Timothy, the son of a Greek human who was a honey companion to Paul. The group headed to Lystra, then through Phrygia, an ancient kingdom on the Sangarios River in modernistic twenty-four hours Turkey; then to Galatia, an area in the highlands of central Anatolia, as well in nowadays-day Turkey, that was inhabited by Gallic people of the Hellenistic period, and finally to Troad, a city in north-west Anatolia, present-twenty-four hour period Turkey.


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Here, Paul had a vision of a homo asking him to bring the Gospel to Macedonia, and and so set off to reach the European mainland for the first fourth dimension. Past way of Samothrace, a Greek isle in the northern Aegean Sea, and Neapolis, known today as the Greek city of Kavala, they reached Philippi, a Roman urban center in the first district of Macedonia, which today stands as one of Greece's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

St. Paul reached the ancient city of Philippi, in the Greek province of Republic of macedonia, after having a vision of a homo that called him to spread the Gospel in the surface area. Today, the archaeological site of Philippi, in modernistic day Hellenic republic, is a UNESCO Earth Heritage Site.

Here, Paul was hosted by Lydia, a woman who worked every bit a dealer in royal fabric from the city of Thyatira. But presently enough, a grouping of hostile locals pushed authorities to abort Paul and his companions. However, thanks to a providential earthquake, the group managed to escape Philippi's jail. Eventually, local magistrates learned that Paul and his travel companions were Roman citizens and officially let them free. The Philippian customs soon grew to become an important Christian center, to which Paul afterward addressed the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians.

After Philippi, the group reached Thessaloniki, in present-day northern Greece, where they were hosted by Jason, a Jewish human who had converted to Christianity. Hither, even if his mission was somehow successful, Paul was quickly forced to leave after a group of local Jews reported his evangelization activities to local pagan regime.

They and so left for Berea, an important port city, now known as Veria, in Macedonia, due north of Greece, but the aforementioned group that kicked them out of Thessaloniki soon caught upwards with them and pushed them to go out Berea too.

The group hitting the route in one case again and reached Athens, which had been severely damaged by Roman attacks in 146 B.C. simply was nevertheless considered the capital of philosophy and knowledge of what was then the known world. Here Paul engaged in conversation with many public intellectuals in both synagogues and public squares and was eventually invited to requite a spoken communication to Athenian citizens from the Aeropago , a marble hill simply higher up the Acropolis. According to Luke (Human action 17, 11-33) it is hither that Paul proclaimed his famous speech about "the Unknown God" to to the pagan thinkers of Athens.

The Acropolis of Athens, where St. Paul was asked to give a speech nearly the "Unknown God" to the infidel thinkers of Athens.

From Athens, Paul headed to Corinth, capital of the Roman province of Acaia in present-day southward-central Greece. Here he stayed with the married Christian couple Priscilla and Aquila, who had been exiled by the Roman emperor Claudius in 49-50. In Corinth Paul engaged in prolific speeches that led to many conversions, but he was subject to hostility from groups of local Jews. All the same, Roman pro-consul Gallio adopted a neutral stance regarding Paul religious mission and decided to let him free.

Together with Priscilla and Aquila, Paul set canvass for Syria and reached Ephesus and from here Caesarea, in mod day northward-fundamental State of israel, and eventually back to Antioch.

Third journey

Paul's third journey took place between 52 and 57. He showtime headed back to Galatia and Phrygia to check on the communities he helped fix during his previous trips. He then set sail for Ephesus, an ancient Greek urban center in present-day Turkey, which at the fourth dimension was the capital of the Roman province of Asia and dwelling house to the famous temple of Artemis-Diana, which was considered one of the seven wonders of the earth. Hither Paul baptized 12 disciples who had previously received a penitential baptism by John the Baptist, and together with companions he helped evangelize well-nigh all the local inhabitants.

A reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis, in Ephesus, a metropolis in modern day Turkey where St. Paul helped deliver nearly all local inhabitants during his 3rd journey.

After a winter suspension in Corinth, Paul headed back to Ephesus, but hostility from local Jews forced him to leave for Antioch, Syria. From here he departed for more Greek cities—including the islands of Lesbos and Samos—and reaches Miletus, in modern-day Turkey.

Here he pronounced his famous speech dedicated to the "Ephesian elders, " in which he recommended that the leaders of the communities he helped found accept on his mission and preserve the values of vigilance, disinterest and charity. In 58, Paul decided to head toward Jerusalem, and so he gear up off on an arduous sailing trip that made stops at a new harbor near each day, including the islands of Kos and Rhodes in modern-twenty-four hour period Hellenic republic. He finally reached Jerusalem where he stayed with Mnason of Cyprus, 1 of the people he helped convert on one of his early on trips.

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Paul then visited James, who advised him to talk to the most traditionalist Jews at the Temple. Here Paul was recognized by the Jews of Asian provinces, and once more faced hostility. Claudius Lysias, the local Roman tribune, intervened and put Paul in jail before even knowing that he is a Roman denizen. This was the starting time of what many refer to as the "Passion Pauli," in which St. Paul's dedication to his evangelization mission led to his arrest, beating, torture, and eventual death in Rome at the society of Emperor Nero in 62-64.

Make sure to visit the slideshow below to discover some of the greatest works of art representing the Route to Damascus, the decisive moment in the life of Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles.

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